Porch & Patio Concrete Coating Service in Pennsylvania

Enhance the appearance and extend the life of the concrete in these high-traffic areas.

Epoxy flooring on your home’s porch, patio or sunroom is the perfect solution to enhance the appearance and extend the life of the concrete in these high-traffic areas. Epoxy can be easily cleaned and maintained without any kind of special care or chemicals.

Patio floor before epoxy flooring application Patio floor after epoxy flooring application


With a large variety of colors and finish styles, we ensure that our epoxy will be the perfect match to enhance the style and appearance of your home’s exterior siding and other finishes.

Superior Customer Services

The Process

Our epoxy flooring is often completed within one day and is safe to drive on within just a few days. We can also repair most surface damage with patching and crack fillers, improving the life of your concrete.

Adds durability and longevity to your existing concrete.

Our floors are impact and chemical-resistant. Repairs exiting cracks and damage to concrete extending the overall life of the floor.

Cost effective, and appearance enhancing.

Several finish options and limitless color blends to compliment any living area. Cost per square foot is more affordable than most other flooring options.

Easy to clean and maintain.

Epoxy eliminates cracks and crevices for dirt and bacteria to hide, making it easier to clean and a more sanitary flooring option.

Resistant to water and stains.

Epoxy is non-pourous and resistant to staining. It is ideal in high-moisture areas and will prevent mold growth unlike carpeting or wood.

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Call: (833) 243-8786