Epoxy Flake Flooring for Commercial Kitchens (6 Benefits)

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Commercial kitchens require durable and hygienic flooring that can withstand food traffic as well as high temperatures and oil spills. Are you getting everything that you need out of your commercial kitchen floors?

Epoxy Floor Experts is here to talk about why flake flooring is the go-to solution for commercial kitchens throughout East and Central Pennsylvania. Let’s dive into the benefits and see if flake flooring is right for you.

1. Hygienic Flooring Solution for Commercial Kitchens

Commercial kitchens are highly prone to bacteria and microbes, making hygiene a critical concern for most restaurant owners. Epoxy flake flooring provides a seamless and non-porous surface that is easy to clean and maintain and reduces the risk of bacterial growth. Its antimicrobial properties make it an ideal choice for busy kitchens that require constant cleaning.

2. Slip-Resistant Flooring

You need clean and slip-resistant floors in your commercial kitchen. Cooking for high volumes of customers can cause high-risk scenarios for slips and falls, especially when wet surfaces come into play. Epoxy flake flooring has a multilayered system that stays slip-resistant even when wet- providing a safe working environment for your kitchen staff.

3. Resistant to Chemicals 

When cleaning up, commercial kitchens use a variety of chemicals, oils, and acids that can cause damage to many types of flooring. Epoxy flake flooring is resistant to chemicals, stains, and spills, making it an ideal choice for commercial kitchens.

4. A Durable Flooring Solution

No matter what type of flooring you have, it will go through some wear and tear. Commercial kitchens require high-performance flooring that can withstand constant traffic and heavy equipment. Epoxy flake flooring provides a durable, long-lasting solution that can withstand heavy-duty dishwashers, dropped items, and continuous traffic.

5. Restaurants Need Low Maintenance Floors

Epoxy flake flooring has a seamless surface that won’t allow dirt and dust to settle into cracks or grout lines. Trust us when we say that this flooring is easy to clean and maintain with a swift mop and broom.

Because epoxy flake flooring is poured as a liquid, it creates a smooth surface without grout lines. On top of dirt and debris, the seamless surface enhances the hygienic nature of floors while reducing the risk of bacteria growth.

6. Easy Installation

Epoxy flake flooring is quick and easy to install, which minimizes disruption and downtime for restaurant owners. Epoxy floors are installed in layers and cure quickly, meaning that your kitchen can be back up and running in no time. It would be best to plan ahead for a minimum of two days of downtime while your floors are being installed.

Contact Epoxy Floor Experts Throughout East and Central Pennsylvania 

It’s time to take your commercial kitchen flooring to the next level. At Epoxy Floor Experts, we pride ourselves on creating the perfect space for unique niches throughout East and Central Pennsylvania.

If your commercial kitchen needs new floors ASAP, don’t hesitate to contact us at (833) 314-2827 or request a free quote on our website. We have over 12 years of experience installing epoxy flake flooring, so you can expect a hassle-free and beautifully finished installation that comes with its own lifetime warranty.

Call: (833) 243-8786